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La cr nica es en las obras
La crónica es en las obras de Nájera, además de profusa, el género que imprimió mayor libertad creativa al contenido de sus temas, razón por la que sus múltiples intereses se vieron arropados más confortablemente en ella. La crónica de , otro de sus heterónimos más conocidos, fue entre otras cosas u
By GBD region in the past two decades
By GBD region, in the past two decades, the largest increases in incidence of ischaemic stroke were in eastern Europe, central and east Asia, north and sub-Saharan Africa, and the Middle East (figure 1), with the largest increase (22%) noted in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Notably, some of the
br X Desde esa exigencia de una
X. Desde esa exigencia de una correcta hermeneusis receptora, la mecánica expositiva del misterio procederá, sin embargo, complicando esa primera alegoría que ya es el sacramento en sí y levantando, Idoxuridine what partir de la transposición o metáfora que diseña (Cristo como pan, Cristo como v
La fotograf a reforz el
La fotografía reforzó el carácter militarista del pgt-pc. El ajusticiamiento de Zepeda Martínez perdió su fuerza política al carecer de los mecanismos de propaganda que acompañan una acción de este tipo. Si bien los recursos gráficos explotados por el periodismo difundieron la muerte del cónsul, se
Entre las publicaciones de indagaci n epistemol gica se
Entre las publicaciones de indagación epistemológica se incluyen aquellas que plantean los cuestionamientos al pensamiento científico de la época y otras que reflexionan sobre la investigación científica, sus desarrollos y consecuencias iatrogénicas. Sobre estos particulares, se destaca la necesidad
Findings Baseline data were collected between Sept and
Findings Baseline data were collected between Sept 6, 2011, and Nov 11, 2012. Between January, 2013, and September, 2014, 62 midwives completed triage training and we collected post-training triage data from Dec 12, 2014, to January 24, 2015. In 2014, compliance of use and correctness of wristbandin
br Deseo y nostalgia el discurso de lo
Deseo y nostalgia: el discurso de lo real en la Historia verdadera Más allá de las afirmaciones de verdad y realidad en las que el texto incurre a cada paso; más allá del detalle (en sus usos narratológicos, retóricos y polémicos); más allá de cierta mimesis entendida como artificio y concebida t
Assim pensamos que os discursos analisados
Assim, pensamos que os discursos, analisados neste artigo, construídos pelos intelectuais colaboradores de Araucaria de Chile e difundidos pela revista, ao ressaltarem duas vitoriosas revoluções armadas latino-americanas, exatamente no período de vigência da prpm, dialogaram, de alguma maneira, com
Despite taking hydroxyurea for months his leukocytosis
Despite taking hydroxyurea for 6 months, his leukocytosis, splenomegaly, and constitutional symptoms were poorly controlled and his performance status and overall function had declined even further. There was little clinical benefit to gain by increasing the hydroxyurea dose further especially in th
The studies from several laboratories suggest that miR famil
The studies from several laboratories suggest that miR-34 family members are the direct targets of TP53, and their upregulation can induce cancer cell apoptosis and cell-cycle arrest. It has been found that miR-34 is associated with prognosis, carcinogenesis, and survival of various cancers, includi
Complete resection of the tumor with negative
Complete resection of the tumor with negative margins at the time of diagnosis appears the most preferred mode of intervention towards favorable prognosis. It is worth mentioning that the germline Cy5 NHS ester of DICER1 is believed as the genetic cause in the majority of PPB; consequently, earlier
The authors would like to thank Ms Fang Ju
The authors would like to thank Ms. Fang-Ju Sun for her help with statistical analysis. This study was supported by a research grant from Mackay Memorial Hospital (MMH10466). Introduction Cancer of the Nelfinavir Mesylate of (CC) is the second most common cancer affecting women worldwide, and ab
integrin signaling pathway br To see how the
To see how the quantity of osteosarcoma in vitro studies developed overtime, we set out to systematically identify all the drugs that have been tested on osteosarcoma integrin signaling pathway in vitro in the past two decades. A PubMed search strategy was compiled which can be found in Supplement
As shown in Fig out of
As shown in Fig. 2, 40 out of the 60 patients (66.6%) who developed amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism, and 10 out of the 30 patients (33.3%) who developed amiodarone-induced hyperthyroidism, were diagnosed within two years of Gemcitabine molecular of amiodarone therapy. Amiodarone-induced hypothyro
Eastern European countries have undergone many socioeconomic
Eastern European countries have undergone many socioeconomic changes in the past two decades. In particular, in Russia, alcohol was strongly associated with adult mortality. More than half of deaths in Russian men are attributable to cardiovascular disease, with hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia,
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